Save the planet through sustainable fashion goods!

Save the planet through sustainable fashion goods!

By the end of 2021, fashion has held about 10% of the global carbon emission. Unfortunately, according to WHO, this number has been significantly increased in a record-breaking way. International ecological organizations have introduced terms such as “fast fashion” to oppose companies that produce cheap items of poor quality and short-term lifetime growth. In some countries, new restrictions for the industry have been initiated.

Yet…Nothing changes at all. The Planet is suffering, and humanity is eager to kill its home. There’s something wrong with our perception. It’s not only the large number of fast fashion companies polluting the environment. We, the people, keep wanting, buying, requiring and mostly – neglecting the huge environmental disaster we live in. And the truth is that only we can make the change. We struggle to preserve the only home we have: the Earth!

High-quality fashion products can be game changers for the ecology

Let’s face it: we cannot live without clothes. Women cannot live without buying new accessories. But we could live with less.

It’s in our nature.

Besides, beauty makes the world go round. Our personal appearance is what makes the first impression, and in many cases, it’s not just crucial but the only way we could find new love and be accepted in a community. If we want to save the planet not buying new fashion items is not the answer. We should find another, smarter solution. And it’s right there – in the fashion stores that sell high-quality products with a lifetime or at least long enough exploitation periods. The green eco-organizations don’t want you to stop owning beautiful bags or to give up on your favorite accessories such as belts, sunglasses and mini bags. The Planet can be saved only if the production of fast fashion items stops. And you can make it work by putting these companies on the black list.

Choose high quality in fashion and be the change you want to see in the rest of the world.

EVEN is in fashion, it’s also against fast fashion

. Since the start of our business, we have committed to being a company with values, with a special attitude to sustainable fashion. Our production fully meets the global green recommendations for using natural and 100% recyclable materials. We have a special mission to stick to – getting popular among fashionistas with a special affinity to the irreproachable personal style with zero negative impact on the Planet. That’s why we produce not just charming and fascinating but also durable and eco-friendly bags, belts, sunglasses and other vibrant green accessories. We hope to be a role model for other companies that are about to or have already entered the fashion market. And we believe that every individual action matters for the mission to keep our Planet alive and still welcoming for us, the people.

We would be very thrilled and blessed if, by wearing our MONNA mini tote or any other bag, putting ERINI belt, and promoting ERIDA Scarf, you influence someone else with the idea to stay in fashion with style and with the proper attitude to the Planet. Let’s save it by common efforts and with a sty

. Remember – less is more!

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